Thanks to a word press workshop at our Co working space here in Toowoomba today I finally have a true online presence, not only twitter and Facebook.  YAY!!  Many of you have asked me to get blogging and now I can.  Nice and timely with 8 events in 5 locations next month with The Soil Health Connection tour with Dr Richard Olree.

A place to share my journey.  Why Biological systems?

Conceptually, BEAR Biologics has been ticking away for decades with my first version of business card being created in 1995 on my Cotton CRC/ DPI computer after hours one night with my creative friend Cherrie.  BEAR being inspired from my nickname at university Square Bear.

That is good content for another day……J.

Originally, BEAR stood for Bare Essential Agricultural Resources.  Resources always for me being more than the obvious Soil, Water, Air ….but also people, and your chosen tools of trade.

So much to this journey.  However, one very real catalyst to the re launch with flare was my success as runner up for the RIRDC Rural Women’s award in the Northern Territory in 2005.  I used my $5000 bursary to complete the training to be a Certified Soil Food Web Advisor with Elaine Ingham, and to also visit producers who were either producing biologically, organically or in transition with soil health at the core of their methodology.

Two constant challenges for me at this time were very evident.

  1. Creating work/life balance as a working mother of two, in the northern Territory Agricultural sector. (I now have three 16, 13, and 7 )
  2. Bringing understanding of both soil biology and Chemistry into the industry conversations with the goal being reduced chemical reliance.

To overcome these, and with a sense that my passions were clearly aligning I decided it was time to launch into my own consultancy business.

Hence BEAR Biologics was born.  Bare Essential Agricultural Resource management – Biologically.  MANAGE FROM THE GROUND UP!!


SO MUCH TO SHARE…..look forward to travelling the journey from conventional to biological consultancy with you.